
Regal Bicycles

Bicycle Shop in Toronto


Toronto, Ontario

(416) 768-5416



Business Information

Regal Bicycles is a bicycle store that specializes in providing customers with quality fixed-gear bicycles for the urban cyclist. Over the years, Regal Bicycles has helped many people get the cycling products that meet their needs perfectly.

Fixed-Gear Bicycles

Regal Bicycles' classic fixed-gear bikes are popular due to their simplicity. This appeals to riders who do not want to bother with gears or need them.

The fixed-gear bicycle has a single gear that does not provide the ability to coast. The cyclist needs to be pedalling in order to move. For even more simplicity, some riders prefer to not have brakes, since the fixed-gear mechanism can act as a brake.

Premium fixed-gear bicycles are set up the same way the classic models are but provide the opportunity for riders to take their cycling to the next level. The premium fixed-gear models look sleeker and are lighter and stiffer. This allows riders to ride their bicycles significantly faster.

3-Speed City Bicycles

City bicycles are popular around the world. Built more for commuting in urban areas, they are renowned for being comfortable and practical instead of fast or efficient.

At Regal Bicycles, their 3-speed city bicycles are characterized by an upright riding position and the wheel size of a hybrid bike. They provide comfort and safety for commuters in urban settings and are void of all of the parts of a bicycle that make riding more complicated than enjoyable.

Cruiser Bicycles

Cruiser bicycles sold by Regal Bicycles are mostly used for recreational purposes. With desirable features such as upright handlebars, extra wide tires, and comfortable seats, riders can enjoy a great degree of comfort while being able to get from point A to point B.

Cruiser bicycles are popular among casual bicyclists and vacationers because they are very stable and easy to ride. Since these bicycles typically have balloon tires, they are perfect for people who are not in a hurry and just want a nice, relaxing ride.


If you have questions about any bicycles sold or have ideas or suggestions regarding a product you want Regal Bicycles to carry, the company can be reached by calling (416) 768-5416 or completing the online form on their website.

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