Innovative Surface Solutions
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The company has decades of experience providing surface solutions. Their team introduced fresh thinking, innovative technology, and new processes to enhance products. This ensures that all customers have access to the most effective solutions.

The company specializes in liquid de-icers and ice melters for winter road maintenance, sidewalks, entryways, and parking lots. Their products can penetrate snow and melt ice rapidly. In addition, the company also specializes in pothole patching and soil stabilization products.
Road Solutions

The company specializes in dust control products that help to eliminate the health risks and driving dangers where this is problematic. For roads in disrepair, the company also has asphalt patching material to address potholes, street edges, utility cuts, and large cracks.

You can contact the company by calling the New York office at 1-800-257-5808 or the Canada office in Ajax at 1-800-387-5777. For news and updates, you can also follow their accounts on Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube.