
Regent PI

Private investigator in Toronto

5000 Yonge St, Suite 1901
Toronto, Ontario
M2N 7E9

(866) 967-1098


Business Information

Regent PI is a private investigation company that offers its services for a multitude of reasons. Headquartered in Ontario, Regent PI offers quality and affordable private investigator services to many clients across North America.

Business Hours

Monday - Sunday:


Regent PI was founded in 2006. This Toronto private investigation company is quite unique because, unlike other similar companies, they will not take on a case in which they are not 100% convinced that it will be a favourable outcome for their client.

Some companies take on cases even though they are not experienced in certain aspects and use the situation to learn. However, this comes at the clients' expense. This is why Regent PI is considered to be an honest company with integrity and always places the needs of their clients first, and not their own.

Investigation Services

Regent PI provides private investigation services for a large number of reasons. These can be of a personal nature or also business-related. For example, someone may suspect their spouse of being unfaithful. By using an experienced private investigator, all kinds of evidence can be gathered to prove or disprove their suspicions.

Companies can also hire Regent PI to perform criminal checks, employment screening or check the veracity of resumes and much more. Things like gathering accurate information, photographic evidence, searching computers, video and audio evidence, tracking vehicles and many other tasks can be expertly handled by Regent PI.

Personal Investigations

Regent PI provides personal services in several areas such as spousal infidelity, locating missing persons, litigation support and guidance, along with IT services. For spousal infidelity, the company uses high definition video and photo capture, vehicle satellite tracking and various sophisticated technology.

Regent PI is also adept at using computer analysis and forensics, is able to investigate forgery and other dishonest acts. They can also monitor for supervisory effectiveness, drug distribution, substance abuse and much more.


Regent PI offers their high-quality services to both private individuals as well as to small and large businesses. The Toronto private investigator has the necessary experience and qualifications to handle many types of cases.

Regent PI employs their special step-by-step process to help bring the best results possible for their clients. To contact them for a free no-obligation consultation, email them at or call 289-220-4121 or the toll free number, 1-866-967-1098.

Business Resources

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